Finally, know any patent’s quality

AI-driven patent portfolio analysis

Patent insights for tech companies driven by AI

Have you ever spent 6 months evaluating a patent portfolio only to come up with results that were just okay? Our AI analysis sifts through patents quickly and objectively. This provides you with tangible results you can act upon.

Get a demo

Portfolio analysis

Get an objective overview of your patent portfolio to identify your risks.

Competitor analysis

Easily identify the strength of your competitors.

M&A insights

Find out which of your targets are succeeding in intellectual property.

Greentech insights

Identify how many green technologies a company has.

Who benefits the most?


Business analysts


Private equity manager


How it works

Screenshot of a spreadsheet containing patent numbers.

Step 1

Provide patent numbers

Send us a list of patent numbers, no matter the language or who owns them.

  • Your company
  • Your investment target
  • Your competitor
  • Your focus industry
Image showing a wireframed human head.

Step 2

Don’t pay expensive legal fees! Let our AI do the work

433+ newly created metrics enable our AI to see patents from a highly objective perspective. Our AI models explore data sets of litigated, licensed, and innovative patents to identify correlations between these high-value patents.

  • Unique patent metrics
  • 3 different AI models
  • Normalized data
  • Cleantech indicators
Screenshot of the GoodIP AI dashboard.

Step 3

Get your AI results and dashboard

Patent quality review on a new level.

  • Portfolio overview
  • AI similarity
  • Cleantech rating
  • Investment insights

Let’s make IP transparent

Understand what’s protected by reviewing your patent and identifying if you are wasting money


  • Understandable patent overview
  • AI-driven patent analysis
  • Investment insights
  • Cleantech insights
Starting at $ 280 per patent family

Minimum order quantity 30 patent families

Schedule a call

Get access to the demo dashboard with the Apple vs. Samsung patents

To find out if our results suit your needs, please add your contact details below. We will send you an email with access to the demo dashboard.